Create Post on Gatsby with hygen
Create Post on Gatsby with hygen
You can automate your process just a little bit futher by having a blog post template and a script to use it.
These days I've been trying and enjoying Gatsby. It provides many starters and this page is created by gatsby-starter-blog.
Using it, to create a new blog post, I need to create a file such as ./content/blog/hello-world/
and its content would be
title: Hello World
date: '2015-05-01T22:12:03.284Z'
This is my first post on my new fake blog! How exciting!
This sounds simple enough, but I wanted to make it simpler with hygen.
Here are the steps.
npx hygen init self
npx hygen generator new --name blog
will be added. The name doesn't matter, so let's change:
mv _templates/blog/new/hello.ejs.t _templates/blog/new/index.ejs.t
Edit index.ejs.t
like the following:
to: content/blog/test-post/
This is a test post.
Let's try run:
npx hygen blog new
It will generate a file at content/blog/test-post/
and its content will be This is a test post.
. Now you'll see how it works.
Let's add a prompt so that it will ask you the title of a new post and you will also slugify it for url.
Add _templates/blog/new/index.js
like the following:
const slugify = require("slugify");
module.exports = {
prompt: ({ prompter }) => {
return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
type: "input",
name: "title",
message: "What is the title?",
.then(({ title }) => {
date: new Date().toISOString(),
slug: slugify(title, { remove: /[*+~.()'"!:@]/g, lower: true }),
Edit _templates/blog/new/index.ejs.t
like the following:
to: content/blog/<%= slug %>/
title: '<%= title %>'
date: '<%= date %>'
Okay, let's add slugify
to your devDependencies:
yarn add slugify -D
And run it:
npx hygen blog new
It will ask you the title:
? What is the title? › The First Blog Post
It will generate content/blog/the-first-blog-post/
and its content will be:
title: "The First Blog Post"
date: "2019-01-01T08:50:08.194Z"
Okay, let's put a script into package.json
"scripts": {
"g": "hygen blog new",
And add hygen
to devDependencies:
yarn add hygen -D
Okay, you're good to go.
yarn g